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Royal Duchy 2017

Discussion in 'What's Going On' started by gwr4090, Jul 14, 2017.

  1. gricerdon

    gricerdon Guest

    Thanks Andy. Didn't do a RD this year as the big pacifics on the Torbex were too much of a draw but sincerely hope the RD can run next year as the route is far more interesting
  2. Steamage

    Steamage Part of the furniture

    Sep 14, 2005
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    Many thanks for this insight. Always good to have the inside view.
    alastair likes this.
  3. 1020 Shireman

    1020 Shireman Part of the furniture Friend

    Jul 31, 2013
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    Relaxingly retired
    Deep in the country
    Thanks for that Andy. Really hope it's possible to run RDs next year and that a way can be found to get around a Totnes stop on the return as it kills Dainton and must use way more coal and water from a standing start there. Pity Barton Hill has gone anti-steam as it was the ideal location to stable engines and even the stock. I guess with the additional trains mooted for 2018, even an engine change around BTM will only get more difficult. Whether part diesel or all steam it's a great train over the banks and I'm sure we all echo the thanks to the WSR for accommodating the locos. We'd miss you and Spike if the RDs disappear. A great challenge for crews and locos alike combined with spectacular scenery for the punters. Fingers all crossed ... damned difficult typing!!!
  4. Spamcan81

    Spamcan81 Nat Pres stalwart

    Aug 25, 2007
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    Training moles
    The back of beyond
    Heritage Railway Volunteer:
    Yes I am an active volunteer
    Thanks for this. Have only done one RD so far, the one when 70013 got stuck for a while on Rattery. Keep promising myself to do more but too blooming busy with 34081 most of the time.
    Hopefully 2018 will see more RD tours and I'll mange to book another one or two trips.
  5. SPM82B

    SPM82B New Member

    Mar 25, 2006
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    I would like to thank Andy for his comments on this matter. One thing I would like to say is here at SPM or 82B as I prefer we never had a request or were asked to stable this years RD loco's as we have done in the past. During one of my conversation with Andy this was mentioned & as he stated SLS had concerns over the length of day for there staff & that the trains would be steam hauled from Taunton only. As you all know we also now stable the TB loco's during the summer & there were some worries over space but i think Andy will agree with me it worked very well last year even when the RD & TB ran on the same day. In fact some Saturday nights when arriving at work to see both engines watered, coaled & in the correct order to go off the following morning amazed even me ! The staff at the depot & support crews had it all hand. As much as I would like to turn the place into a steam shed again, & my boss has commented now & then, we have to think of the core work for GWR & it's business needs must come first. We will look at all requests & I will always do my best to except but on some occasions we may & will say no. Lets hope next year we can again get the RD loco's back on the Marsh along with all the rest but please somebody bring me a decent Western engine for a change.
    acorb, burnettsj, Bifur01 and 10 others like this.

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