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Recent forum downtime

Discussion in 'Forum Information' started by admin, Jul 25, 2017.

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  1. admin

    admin Founder Administrator

    Mar 16, 2005
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    Founder National Preservation
    Heritage Railway Volunteer:
    Yes I am an active volunteer
    I'd like to apologise for the recent downtime.

    We had a few unexpected costs over the past few months, including new accountants. The buffer we had to pay the monthly server costs had been eaten away,

    70% of natpres subscriptions have been cancelled or have lapsed, not helping the forum.

    Google advertising does cover costs, however they were a day late paying the earnings into the account. Hence we could not pay the server costs.

    Again I apologise and will endeavour to either streamline the forum further to reduce costs, or put the forum up for sale, as I cannot fund the forum if there are problems.

    As I have an 11 week old addition to my family.
    Little Amelia has taken a lot of mine and my wife's time up. This is why I've not been around

    The forum relies on google and membership subscriptions,

    If google stopped, this forum would close over night.

    I would rather see this forum flourish than die.

    I welcome PM messages.

    Thank you
  2. Sidmouth

    Sidmouth Resident of Nat Pres Staff Member Moderator

    Sep 12, 2005
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    Alderan !
    Heritage Railway Volunteer:
    Yes I am an active volunteer
    Morning @admin

    Firstly congratulations on Amelia

    I think all of us would like to see Nat Pres flourish but with you , mod team and members continuing and the forum being self sustaining so that costs are met from Revenue from advertising without the need for a paywall . I look at newspaper sites and I don't go to those with a paywall as the information is available on those without

    What helps everyone is what is the current funding gap ? , what drives the google advertising revenue ? is it clicks or just adverts run ?
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