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Preserved Stock List Goes Live !!

Discussion in 'Links' started by Bestieboy, May 11, 2012.

  1. Bestieboy

    Bestieboy Member

    Mar 4, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Hi Guys
    I'm very pleased to announce the search facility is now live.
    Although the actual pages of the public view will see little change, Mick Morgan has spent countless hours over many weeks to compile pages suitable for on-line editing. As my database is relatively complex in its setup Mick has managed, via a lot of coding, to successfully enable the editing suite to run effectively. Well done Mick !!!
    Preserved Railway Stocklist

    There are currently three of us as acting editors. Full details here....
    Editorial Team Page
    Mick Cottam (Photo Editor) has been editing/uploading photo's to the project smugmug account. A big thank you to everyone who has either sent in photo's or allowed access to their own on-line photo sites. Mick now has a back log of 2000+ photo's to link to the search facility. I also have 700+ to sort & tag. If your photo does not show please be patient as we grind our way through these.
    Charlie will begin to work through my back log of grounded van bodies, about a 1000 of them as well maintaining other wagon updates.

    There is now a Latest Live Update page to keep track of any changes.....Copy/paste into browser
    </TITLE> <META content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" http-equiv=Content-Type> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <title>
    Note: Search currently not working in Google Chrome. Page is also still under development.

    The Search Tips page has also been revised to address the current situation.....
    UK Loco’s & Rolling Stock

    I've added an updated Abbreviation Code file in Excel format to the download page....
    UK Loco
    Due to the many essential changes made to the database, the original code written by Ian Tiley requires major revision to run any new Stock List downloads. Many table/field names had to be changed as they caused conflicts in an on-line envirement, although these have been captioned to appear as previously titled.

    Records to be merged - This is still a major headache for me. As of 5/05/2012 there are still 6499 records waiting to be researched, amended & transferred back into the main database before they can be found on the search facility.
    All Locomotives, Powered Stock, Pre National & BR Coaching Stock, including NPCCS are complete with various amounts in other areas. Categories with records awaiting transfer are listed below...

    6 - Pre Group Passenger Coaching Stock (468)
    6c - Overseas Passenger Coaching Stock (34)
    6n - Narrow / Non Standard Gauge Passenger Coaching Stock (843)
    7 - Pre Group Non Passenger Coaching Stock (82)
    7n - Narrow / Non Standard Gauge Non Passenger Coaching Stock (21)
    8 - Rail Cranes (291)
    8a - Track Machines (65)
    8b - Small Plant, Trollies, Road Railers & Trailers (453) Includes the now defunct 8c Micsellaneous Plant
    9 - Private Owner Wagons (1557)
    9a - Pre Group Wagons (166)
    9b - Pre Nat Wagons (418)
    9c - BR Wagons (575)
    9d - Undefined Wagons (29)
    9n - Narrow / Non Standard Gauge Wagons (1502)

    Due to the complexity in how I do these it won't be possible to do this on-line. Mick will send me the database back, roughly one day a week, where I will concentrate only on this & also give the other editors a day off! It will not affect the public search facility view. Any I transfer will not show on the Latest Live Update page and will simply be merged back in off-line. If you belong to the PRSL Yahoo Group I will keep you informed of what has been added.

  2. Bestieboy

    Bestieboy Member

    Mar 4, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Hi Guys

    We've now added an Owner Website link, to accompany the Location Website link on the search facility. One record I've used for testing has now had this included.
    Preserved Railway Stocklist - Stock Record
    You'll find this record has had many other details added and is an example of where we are heading for a full record if details can be found. If you notice any mistakes or can add more to the movement/historical fields please let me know.

    The Owner field is something I've never had time to populate in force with most records simply shown as the default 'unknown'. If you belong or are associated with a society, please let me know what stock you own and your web address and we'll link them. Rob is still working through Location Websites but will also look into these.


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