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International Rail Forum Links

Discussion in 'International Heritage Railways/Tramways' started by LSWR, Mar 7, 2006.

  1. LSWR

    LSWR Part of the furniture

    Sep 6, 2005
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    Avionics Technician
    Frimley & Southampton
    With the intent to bring together railfans from around the world, to discuss issues, learn about railways in other countries, and make friends around the world I have searched around to make a list of initially 7 Railway Forums in different countries. These forums aren’t completely identical in their format but do on the whole cover the same issues. English is spoken and understood on nearly all these forums, with a knowledge of Spanish being helpful for the Chilean forum.

    Het Groot Belgisch Treinen Forum
    forum voor treinenthousiasten
    phpbb format. Registration page in English
    Suggested international correspondance to be posted on the ‘ACTUALITEIT INTERNATIONAAL’ (TOPICALITY INTERNATIONAL) or the ‘ALGEMEEN INTERNATIONAAL’ (COMMONLY INTERNATIONAL) sections.
    The forum is in Dutch but most people in the flemmish/dutch speaking areas of Belgium speak/understand English. Postings in English are welcome. Topics are of general Belgium/Benelux railway scene plus neighboring countries, covering both modern and heritage railways. Belgians are keen to find out about railways around the world.

    Tren Chile Foro
    El foro ferroviario de Chile
    Registration page in Spanish. Upon registration new members become probationary members and can only post on the SOLICITUDES DE INGRESO (ENTRANCE REQUESTS) section. A knowledge of Spanish would be helpful. General railway enthusiast forum, but due to lack of English being spoken English posts may take a while to be answered. I have though received a warm welcome even with an English posting. The Chileans are keen to learn about railways around the world

    Malaysia, S.E.Asia
    KTM Railway Fanclub
    phpbb format. Registration page in English. Easy English navigation, most of the forum is in English. Covers domestic Malaysian modern and heritage scene, plus topics on south east asia. Malaysians are keen to find out about railways around the world

    Registration page in English. Most people in the Netherlands speak/understand English so submitting posts in English on the forum will be understood and are most welcome. The forum is a general railway enthusiast forum mainly on the Dutch/Benelux scene but also with topics on neighboring countries, covering modern and heritage subjects, also featrures specialist photographic sections including photo of the week. The Dutch are keen to learn about other railway’s of the world and are keen to share their knowledge with you.
    Henk the Admin of the forum has given me a full translation into English of sections and buttons. It will help you make a posting in the correct place on 'Spoorforum'. Remember most Dutch speak English so making a posting in English is OK.
    Spoorforum - info = about this forum
    Leden, info & service = members, info & service
    Aangenaam - "pleased to meet you"(This is me).
    Activiteiten / bijeenkomsten = activities and meetings

    Spoorfoto van de week = railwaypicture of the week
    Spots & actuele foto's = trainspottings and actual pictures
    Railnieuws, vragen en antwoorden = Railnews, questions and answers about the real railways
    Vraag het de machinist = ask the traindriver...... (yes we do have some as member)
    Foto's en video's van leden = pictures and videos made by members
    Fotostekken = nice places to take photographs
    Afkortingenlijst = list of shortnames used by the dutch railways (and - enthousiasts!)

    Modelspoorforum = modelrailway forum
    Modelbanen van leden = members are describing their own modelrailway

    Knooppunt = discussion forum about more difficult things as political - or management cases in relation to the railways and passengers/service and opinions about this cases.

    Overige zaken = all remainig things
    Agenda / dienstregelingen = calendar and timetables (special rides)
    Spoorhandel = buying and selling - particulair anouncements
    Raadplaat = guess at the picture, as where, what ,when etc.
    Raillinks & sites van leden = Raillink page and dicriptions about sites from members.

    *Nieuw onderwerp = new topic
    *Reageer = reply
    *Citeer = quote
    *Bewerken = edit
    *Verwijderen = remove
    *Abonneer = notify

    Railway Fan Romania
    Locul tau de intalnire cu toti pasionatii domeniului feroviar
    phpbb format. Registration page in Romanian. Due to the registration being in Romanian, I would suggest that you have another session from an other forum’s registration page on an English phpbb forum (UK or Belgium are both phpbb) up on your screen when registering, as the registration page is identical other than the language. A lot of people in Romania speak/understand English, and Romanians are very welcoming.
    I suggest that initial postings are made in the Cai ferate in general (general railway items) section
    The Forum is a general railway enthusiast forum covering day to day railway items, modern and heritage, also has sections on model railways. As well as Romania there are a lot of Eastern European topics.

    United Kingdom/Republic of Ireland
    National Preservation
    Keeping the Heritage community together
    phpbb format. Registration page in English.
    A Heritage railway forum with some topics covering modern day railway items. Also has a non-railway heritage section covering buses, trams, aircraft etc. Features a gallery of members photo’s. With a lot of interest in railway’s, especially heritage in the UK, there is a lot of input covering day to day issues, of preservation, railtours and general railway issues. A lot of information comes out of the discussions. Many links to members photo web sites.

    United States/ Canada
    Registration page in English.
    This is a general railway forum covering all aspects of North American railroads from modern to heritage. There are special sections for preservation (in North America) and also sections for international input.
    Also a link to their sister forum, Steampreservation.com
    Covers North America and world/international steam issues.
    Separate registration required.

    Please add to this list if you come across others.
  2. ilvaporista

    ilvaporista Part of the furniture

    Jan 16, 2006
    Likes Received:
    On the 45th!
  3. 45669

    45669 Part of the furniture

    Aug 27, 2006
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    German Railway Forum

    An interesting railway discussion forum in Germany is


    Although a knowledge of German would be useful, there are lots of pictures posted daily and even without knowing much German you can read those!

    There are sections on various railway related subjects, but the one most likely to be of interest to members of this forum is 'Historische Bahn'. A recent series of pictures taken in England in 1966 was well received by forum members judging by the numerous favourable comments.

    Ron Fisher.
    Allegheny1600 likes this.
  4. simon

    simon Resident of Nat Pres

    Jun 26, 2006
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    This French railway site is very good with lots of interesting photos - they tend to post direct to the site rather than use fotopic or similar:


    they were very helpful in identifying the locos in these very poor shots of mine taken in France in the early 70's


    Strangely when the owner of wnxx asked me to approach them to use some fotos of 58s and 56s in France I got no replies - so either my French is very bad or they are not into sharing.
  5. LSWR

    LSWR Part of the furniture

    Sep 6, 2005
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    Avionics Technician
    Frimley & Southampton
    I have been contacted to promote a new Rail forum from Belgium.
    There is an english section there. To view you have to regester 1st. Regestration is through the Navigation Tab on the left of the page. Instructions are in dutch, but if you are like me, and into the international scene, give it a wirl.
  6. 60017

    60017 Resident of Nat Pres Friend

    Jul 6, 2008
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    Retired from corporate slavery :o)
    Fylde Coast
    Heritage Railway Volunteer:
    No I do not currently volunteer
    Czech railways - contemporary and heritage. Great site - very accurate for forthcoming events. I wanted a paper book copy of the Czech Railways 2010 timetable and although not in their bookshop list the contact obtained one and posted to the UK for me - well impressed.

  7. steve1234

    steve1234 New Member

    Jan 4, 2011
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    hello every one... I am new to this forum here n i was readin this whole thread and some other threads in this forum too and I really like it that how good you guys shares your views and all the other information relevent to railways..... i wish i culd have these kinds of discussion portals in my country too :( .... but i m happy though coz i m certainly gaining alot of information from here... thanks and see ya all soon with new discussion and topics.
  8. Brian Evans

    Brian Evans New Member

    Jan 3, 2012
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    deaftech likes this.
  9. Kylchap

    Kylchap Member

    Dec 15, 2015
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    East Anglia
    Heritage Railway Volunteer:
    No I do not currently volunteer
    New Zealand

    I've had a couple of runs in the past behind Ja1271 as part of the Art Deco weekend in Napier. In 2016 this was replaced by a railcar and the same will happen next year.

    I'm going to NZ again in Feb 2017 and would love to see some live steam. I've not had much luck using the NZ rail forums. Can anyone advise what's happening in 2017? Thanks.
  10. Claire Sheppy

    Claire Sheppy New Member

    Dec 6, 2013
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    Hello, this seems to be one of the more appropriate places to post my message. I am starting to plan a trip to Peru and Ecuador specifically to ride on their trains, but possibly with the occasional visit to somewhere such as Machu Picchu.
    Travelling from the UK (LHR) my plan is to go in October/November 2020 for between two and three weeks. I know there are tours to both of these countries, but to do both of them would cost something in the region of £9000. I reckon to do it for considerably less than that planning it for myself. The reason for this post to see if there is anyone who is retired who would be interested in accompanying me, as much for our own safety as anything. These countries are generally relatively safe but travelling alone is always more risky. Please note I am not looking for a relationship, just somebody who is another railway enthusiast to accompany me.

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