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Ex Southern railway Southampton Docks electric truck

Discussion in 'Everything Else Heritage' started by Phill S, Sep 5, 2022.

  1. Phill S

    Phill S New Member

    Feb 23, 2015
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    Heritage Railway Volunteer:
    Yes I am an active volunteer
    Pictured below is an Electricar battery flat truck, owned by my Dad. It is a half ton model TU, built either 1942 or 43. It was originally bought by the Southern Railway for use round Southampton docks. It was part restored in the late 90's, and exhibited at a few steam rallies round Derbyshire, where this photo was taken (on the back of a lister autotruck). Despiye appearances, it isn't a forklift-the end nearest the camera has a platform for the driver, the upright parts holding the controller and steering.
    I'm hoping to restart the restoration in the next year or two, so am gathering information. Does anyone have any photos of these truck at work round the docks, or any ideas what colours it would have been? Any other information would be useful too.

    For anyone else afflicted with an interest in these, I've started a facebook group for sharing information. There's quite few tucked away in various places: https://www.facebook.com/groups/vintageelectricindustrialtrucks

    Electricar and Autotruck.png
    Nick C and Wenlock like this.

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