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Editing RAW images and advantages over JPEG

Discussion in 'Photography' started by David likes trains, Apr 6, 2023.

  1. The Gricing Owl

    The Gricing Owl Member

    Sep 29, 2023
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    Owl and SR steam gricer
    Near steam Man of Kent and Golden Arrow route
    Heritage Railway Volunteer:
    No I do not currently volunteer
    Yes, I once heard someone talking about ETTR. But I've always been happy deciding my own menthods.

    And re cameras and software dealing with high ISO. Yes indeed, and maybe helped by using full size sensor cameras instead of a cropped sensor, that I left behind with my Nikon D7000. My D750 showed improvments in all almost all areas and that signficantly improved with the D780, outstanding in low light. I have publication quality owls photos taken at 51,200 ISO (helped with Topaz), and with my return to SR steam loco photography I am still pushing my own boundaries in low light to see which once impossible situations I can now record well.

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