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Bell Brothers Locomotives

Discussion in 'Miniature Railways' started by craigy, Aug 13, 2021.

  1. craigy

    craigy New Member

    Jun 14, 2006
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    Heritage Railway Volunteer:
    No I do not currently volunteer
    Hi all,

    New poster on this thread so please forgive me if I mess up.

    My two uncles used to build locomotives in the 80s in Grimsby, and to a pretty high standards, and won a number of trophies... One being for a B1 which I will talk about shortly.

    I own a Juliet loco they built, and they built a few panniers, a King, a B1 (8301 Springbok) which was recently sold on the internet after a bit of searching, Oliver Cromwell 70013 and many more.

    I'm just trying to see if anyone is interested in copies of the photos "as built" if they own the locos... If they are still about of course!!

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