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47798 - NRM South Yard

Discussion in 'National Railway Museum' started by jonhewes, Jul 12, 2009.

  1. jonhewes

    jonhewes New Member

    Sep 12, 2005
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    IT Tech Support
    Lincs, UK
    I was up in Yorkshire over the weekend, so decided to pay a trip to the NRM. I'd read in the railway press that the NRM had asked WCRC (who'd restored 47798 to mainline order)to return the loco as they were "over using" it on charter work, rather than it just being used as a rescue loco as per their original agreement.

    I was rather surprised to see it dumped out in the open in the South Yard, in the same position occupied by 47703 for several years. Surely it would be better for it to be being used and maintained at Carnforth, rather than sitting it out in the South Yard.

    Does anyone know what the plans are for this loco long-term? It seems crazy that such a representative of a class which has played a significant part in our railway history is being dumped outside.

    Although they are still fairly common, I feel that the the Class 47 has as much right to be in the great hall as any of the steam designs displayed in there.

    While in the great hall, I noticed that there were two completely free unoccupied roads off the turntable next to the prototype HST Power Car, and then a further 2-3 unoccupied roads next to the Chinese Steam Loco (though the indian photo exhibition was set up on them).

    There would be nothing to stop the NRM putting the 47 and 87 together, and maybe even have the 52 or 31 next to the them? Being left outside long-term will not do the mechanics or paint work any favours at all :(
  2. ADB968008

    ADB968008 Guest

    I believe politic's surrounds this locomotive..

    I do agree though a class 47 should be represented in the great hall, or next to the Black 5 it replaced, or even with the Royal train stock as it has it's own unique place in history as a royal locomotive, even if it is a bit modern.

    Running round with WCRC seems "odd" to say the least, or even why it's mainline registered, making money out of the monarch would seem odd, running it on a commerical basis as an "ECS fairy" is definitely not right.
    it's not as if a Class 47 is rare, but this one is a bit different for non-commercial reasons and so deserves its NRM retirement ..

    IMHO running round as a cheap to use long distance shunter for a commercial operator.. that competes against the company that donated it to the NRM doesnt seem right.

    What happens with 58050 is retired.. it's BR's last built diesel locomotive.. should EWS not need it and donate it to the NRM.. will we see it placed with Freightliner for empty coal wagon movements or maybe exported to Germany and placed with a private german operator ?
  3. jonhewes

    jonhewes New Member

    Sep 12, 2005
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    IT Tech Support
    Lincs, UK
    I agree with your sentiment over using it for commercial purposes, however the NRM are not completely innocent in this debacle. From what I have read, it would appear that the NRM allowed WCRC to restore it to mainline condition at their own expense, why should they not have the option of using it to recoup their cost?

    Irrespective of the politics, this locomotive does not belong outside in open. It should be moved under cover, and while operational, made available for charters (though whether or not there is a market for 47/7 hauled charters is another subject for debate....)
  4. mattspencer

    mattspencer Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2005
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  5. Anthony Coulls

    Anthony Coulls Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2008
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    As others have said - we're going to use it.

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