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19th December 1974

Discussion in 'Bullhead Memories' started by CH 19, Dec 29, 2016.

  1. CH 19

    CH 19 Well-Known Member Friend

    Dec 30, 2013
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    Heritage Railway Volunteer:
    No I do not currently volunteer
    I have recently been re-united with my BR 204/3 hard back note book which I aquired, whilst employed as a box boy, and in which I recorded all my 'priv' ticket travels. Loads of memories. Amongst them was this entry whilst on my way to the smoke. It went "Hit Vic after Bo**y bomb, wierd. Had a wimpy,".
    It was in fact quite a surreal experience, I'd finished my shift and had caught a semi-fast up to Victoria. We were held outside for at least 10 mins so I twigged something was not right, we absolutely crept into Vic which was totally devoid of life and there was like a sort of light mist in what then appeared to be a huge empty cathedral. Being slamdoor stock loads of doors opened, me as well, before the train halted, but no-one got out. As the train stopped a dozen or so coppers hurtled out from ?? shouting "Out Out, go go" so we all rushed for the nearest exit and joined up with the other evacuees. I then learnt that a bomb had gone off in the ticket office and another one was suspected. A bloke ahead of me in the crowd pointed upwards and said "if there's another fu**er I aint stoppin here". Yup we were all stood under the glazed canopy, I went and had a Wimpy. Funny old world!

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