If I remember correctly the Wareham bay platform/s were still intact in 79/80? Not sure when the track was finally lifted.
So the signaling for the sidings can not be completed to 2038, which means any movements into Wareham station are limited until then? Does not...
Any news on the Wareham foot crossing? I presume any access to the Wareham sidings is still not possible till this is closed? Or are we waiting...
That photo at Wareham makes you think, a couple of new lifts and no more foot crossing or ski ramps required.
Well spotted, everone one knows you can't use low fat yogurt for painting wagons. Needs to be full fat stuff!
How long is 80078 staying?
Maybe we will be lucky and get a Bulleid Weekend in 2022, 34028, 34070 and 34072? That would be nice. Perhaps having 34067 visiting would be too...
May be the next Swanage restoration project? [ATTACH]
There is photo of 76017 at Swanage in the Swanage Railway Album from 1977.
Maybe not on the big gala weekends but on the smaller events like the S&D one a couple of years ago, the freight could be used for the drive and...
Maybe for the next gala the demonstration freight could be made up of the Turbot's and Dogfish wagons for a change?
Is the van on the right, without the roof, off to a new home?
Think someone at Swanage needs to check this idiots You tube video, clear case of trespass [MEDIA]
Forgot about 80098 as well! [ATTACH]
If I remember correctly 80104 has the bolier and tanks from 80078, and a little bit of 80150 at least! So did 80078 really leave?
Separate names with a comma.