We managed to borrow one for initial movement but interested in purchase. Please e mail me nbrason@yahoo.co.uk if you are wishing to sell it....
Would anyone know where to purchase ( or borrow in the short term) an emergency coupling for Pacers ? We have need of one as we have 2 sets...
No experience with your problem but might be interested in obtaining a couple of BR 1 bogies if you have spare
Thanks guys. I have water everywhere in the system, two cylinders not working properly with water draining from release valve. Stripped a DA...
Hi Andy. Thanks for the reply. It's an ex industrial Hudswell Clark loco. You can probably guess where I am . If you know of anywhere we can get...
Hi folks Does anyone have problems with water in vacuum brakes. This is frequently noted and loco staff put it down to condensation. I am...
Thanks Ken. I am about to put it back using bolts and will put some gasket material underneath. Another large railway I spoke to just bolt them up...
The stuff I took out was in poor condition but hair felt could describe it quite well I think .
Hi Ken. I wonder why it would even need mastic ? Might keep water out I suppose if it was around the outside. Maybe it is just as simple as that....
Hi Garry . Great photos . Thanks Norman
Hi Garry. Great photos . Cheers Norman
Hi . No it doesn't look the same, The gasket I am refering to is underneath the bottom casting to issolate it from the bolster. In the SRPS you...
Can anyone explain the purpose of the gasket between the underneath of the pivot casting and the top of the bolster on a BR1 bogie? I wouldn't...
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