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Martin Perry
Last Activity:
Oct 18, 2024
Apr 15, 2006
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1012 / 60158

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Martin Perry

Nat Pres stalwart, from 1012 / 60158

Staff Member Moderator Friend
Martin Perry was last seen:
Oct 18, 2024
    1. Copper-capped
      Thanks Martin. Sorry to start another conversation but I can’t reply to your reply from the last one! The text box is just not there to let me do that. I’ve tried everything on my end, logging off and on etc but I can’t post or reply. Wondering if there is a setting that is “locking” me out?
      1. Martin Perry
        Martin Perry
        The Admins are looking into it now.
        May 31, 2022
      2. Martin Perry
        Martin Perry
        Can you send a screenshot of what you are seeing please?
        May 31, 2022
    2. Copper-capped
      Hi Martin.

      I’m having trouble posting and replying in all threads. The text box at the bottom of the page where I can post is simply not there and there are a few other weird things happening that are not my normal experience.

      Please could you let me know if there is something up or is it just me?

      Thanks, Ross.
    3. 30854
      Hi Martin
      Sorry to contact you off OG but this seemed valid, yet inappropriate to post amidst tributes to David Shephard.

      Should a dedicated section be considered for obituaries?
      1. Martin Perry
        Martin Perry
        Sorry am unsure what you are referring to, can you send me a PM with a link please?
        Sep 24, 2017
    4. Hermod
      Dear Martin Perry

      I am member of Yahoo Boxford Lathe Group and read and used the most valuable message there no 93 concerning spindle bearings.Was You the author then thank You very much.
      Kind regards
      Niels Abildgaard
      1. Martin Perry
        Martin Perry
        Hi, Sorry not me :(
        May 8, 2017
    5. Mandator
      I've been locked out of a thread for not enough priviledges. What does this imply.
      1. Martin Perry
        Martin Perry
        If it's the Bath tipper truck one, then everybody is locked out of it for now.
        Feb 14, 2015
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    1012 / 60158
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