After checking my camera's battery had some charge, l took a last-minute decision to see it earlier this morning. Got to near the station and ther...
“The Cheshireman” with 45699 Galatea 04 March 2023 I had originally booked to do the same tour in late March 2020 and had started preparing for...
Atlantic Coast Express 02 July 2022 I will admit that l was hesitant in booking this one as l look to book trips with different features: either...
The Jolly Fisherman – 25 September 2021 If someone had told me just after stepping off my last Railtour it would be almost two years until l will...
Thanks! :) -SC-
Hello, I do not know what this is about (not apparent on the usual websites) but the stock has left Southall (5Z85) so think it is worth posting....
Picked this up from the website - Clan Line is having a Loaded Test Run on Friday 7th May. Looks like using the following: 1145 London Victoria to...
Just to be pedantic... :) The 20 March 2021 'Cheshireman' is a redate of the one that didn't run back in March this year. Email from RTC on...
For those who may be interested, here are the movements at Chester: 5Z64 1332 Chester - Chester:...
My hunch - and is nothing more - is that the shunt release between Norwich Platforms 2 and 3 is out of use. This is from the Feb 2020 Sectional...
This is runnnig at the moment: 5M45 10:37 SOUTHALL WCR to Carnforth Steamtown (
If these had been ‘normal’ times l would have posted my report of this trip by now, but it was not to be. One thing that l can add is that there...
‘Change at Kingscote for Bath’ Firstly, this trip has set a new record for me: the longest time between booking one (February last year) and it...
Following-on from my previous ramblings, l have put together a few comparisons of this year’s Atlantic Coast Express to previous trips l have been...
Separate names with a comma.