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Edit Ad: Alfred

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Banner Adverts
Add your site banners here.
9.00 GBP / Week

Basic Information

Enter a name for this Ad. The name will not be displayed to users.

Select a banner from your computer to upload (PNG, JPG, GIF).
The required banner size is 300x250px.

If you upload additional banners, they will rotate randomly on each page load.

Enter the URL of the website you want to advertise.

(Optional) If you want to use your own HTML code for your banner, place it here.

Geo Targeting

Country Is:

For multiple selections, hold down Ctrl (Command for Macs) while clicking selections.

Country is NOT:

For multiple selections, hold down Ctrl (Command for Macs) while clicking selections.


You will receive email notification when your Ad is about to expire and when has expired.

You will receive alert notification when your Ad is about to expire and when has expired.

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Changing the Ad details will update the status to "Pending", and will require approval by admin.