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Photting guide on OS Explore website

Discussion in 'Photographic Guides' started by tfftfftff86, Aug 25, 2009.

  1. tfftfftff86

    tfftfftff86 Member

    Jun 7, 2009
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    OS Explore is a way to create your own routes, mark points of interest, add photos, and end up with a map to copy to your own OS Landranger etc. It's conceived for ramblers, I guess, but there are no limits to creativity. I've done a route of photoshots of the Swanage Railway, with permissions from several NP members to include their photographs. Link here:


    This is just a pilot attempt. I'm visiting the SR gala in September, so maybe I'll find some (legal and safe) photoshots for map no. 2.

    If anyone thinks this concept could be useful for members to consult before visiting an unfamiliar preserved line, please post or PM feedback.

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