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Forum is back!

Discussion in 'Forum Information' started by Pete Thornhill, Aug 18, 2014.

  1. Pete Thornhill

    Pete Thornhill Resident of Nat Pres Staff Member Administrator Moderator Friend

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Hi Guys,

    As you may of noticed we unfortunately suffered a Server failure which put us offline over the weekend. As you will gather (as you are reading this!!!) we are back now having hopefully sorted the issue. As I have had loads of people contacting me all weekend asking what was going on I thought I would take the opportunity to post a little reminder that we also have a facebook page which is useful for situations like this amongst other things so if you are a member of Facebook may I suggest that you like our page there so that along with the other content that is posted there, should anything crop up in the future that takes the forum offline you can check there for updates on any such situation. The page can be found here - www.facebook.com/natpresforum
    admin and Wenlock like this.

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