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Station Hall redevelopment in pictures

Discussion in 'National Railway Museum' started by National Railway Museum, Jul 22, 2011.

  1. National Railway Museum

    National Railway Museum New Member

    Jul 2, 2010
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    I’m Ruth Leach, an Interpretation Developer here at the National Railway Museum, and I’m part of the team working on the Station Hall redevelopment.* The last few weeks have seen some really exciting work being carried out in Station Hall, and I wanted to take the opportunity to show you some*images from behind the scenes.

    [​IMG]As Joe mentioned in his previous post, we undertook a major shunt which made Station Hall feel very empty...

    [​IMG]To improve the routes around the hall we've built some new ramps. We used a very cool robot drill to remove some surplus concrete.

    [​IMG]Bringing our road vehicles back to life - albeit with the help of a tow rope and fork lift.

    [​IMG]Moving the clock from the original Euston Station was no mean feat...

    [​IMG]Some of our fantastic enamel signs waiting to be installed.

    [​IMG]We've also fitted new panels to fill the platform gaps - here a decorative detail on Queen Victoria's saloon peeks through

    Filed under: Station Hall redevelopment [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

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