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RHDR "The Bug" - lost sister engines

Discussion in 'Miniature Railways' started by MuzTrem, May 23, 2020.

  1. MuzTrem

    MuzTrem Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    A bit of a long shot, but I wonder whether anyone can help me with this?

    I am trying to track down some information regarding the two long-lost sister engines of Romney, Hythe & Dymchurch Railway No. 4 The Bug. These were built by Krauss c. 1927, and after the war one of them ended up in Czechoslovakia, where it was apparently scrapped c. 1962. (There is a thread about it, with some pictures, on the old Miniature Railway World forum.) However, I am trying to find out the fate of the other one.

    I have a very vague memory of seeing some information about it on the internet some years ago. IIRC, it said that the engine remained in Germany and ran for some years after the war, but was eventually scrapped. However, stupidly I did not note the URL at the time, and now, despite exhaustive Googling I cannot for the life of me find the webpage.

    Does anybody else remember the page in question, or is my memory playing tricks on me?! Thanks in advance for any help...! :confused:
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  2. Nvincer

    Nvincer New Member

    Sep 21, 2006
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    Have you read the Marshlander article on them? It was available about two years ago if I recall correctly?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. MuzTrem

    MuzTrem Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Thanks for the heads-up - I wasn't aware of that. I will have to see whether I can get hold of a copy!

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