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Paignton and Dartmouth Railway

Discussion in 'Heritage Railways & Centres in the UK' started by tuffer5552, Sep 11, 2007.

  1. Scorpian04111986

    Scorpian04111986 Member

    Jan 6, 2008
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    I install Commercial and Domestic Oil Tanks all ov
    Torquay mostly
    You coudl always win the lottery and build your own, then you could name it what you want, look at Tornado.
    It would add an interesting new twist to their gala though if and when it happens
  2. Stu in Torbay

    Stu in Torbay Part of the furniture

    Sep 6, 2005
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    GPS Navigation Engineer
    Goodrington Bank, Paignton
    I would have to start playing the lottery first, but I see what you mean!
    All joking aside though, if Tuffer is reading this, and is privvy to any info - are we all getting excited over nothing, or is there a remote change 5029 will be staying until the heritage w/e?......
  3. ColytonJohn

    ColytonJohn New Member

    Apr 8, 2009
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    Nunney Castle wafted past me at Hollicombe mid morning today and what a pleasant surprise it was to see it among the usual diet of Sprinters, Voyagers and HSTs.

  4. Scorpian04111986

    Scorpian04111986 Member

    Jan 6, 2008
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    I install Commercial and Domestic Oil Tanks all ov
    Torquay mostly
    Just wait till the summer then when you'll get a King, Tornado and possibly even Nunney a little more frequently, they all make a great sight climbing Torre bank on the return.
  5. tuffer5552

    tuffer5552 Member

    Sep 4, 2006
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    The other problem was a failure on one of the injector pipes, on the day the crew were happy to continue but as Nunney then stopped with the hot box, to move again on a different day meant that both injectors would have to work, so this had to be fixed before the Paignton move. The engine is now in the shed and ready for getting the wheel set out tomorrow for assessment. Hopefully it will be a case of taking the wheel set to a wheel lathe and turning the journal to remove the scoring...we'll see.

    7827 is completed, bar running in so this will follow. She is on course for the Heritage Weekend...subject to availabilty etc etc....

    The season is now picking up for the PDSR as the easter holidays come along, today and yesterday were our busiest so far with plenty of passengers, the weather has been on our side! For those who live near by the line don't forget to apply for your Local Rover ticket to get reduced fares on certain trains. This railway is still the "Nations Holiday Line", but we also want to see people who live here!

    The winters work on 4277 seems to have been mostly successful, from an operational point of view she is a lot better with just a few creases to iron out. She has had work done on the draughting at both ends of the engine and this really has worked.

    The station at Paignton has seen a lot of changes this winter, the Booking Hall has been refurbished with a new "kiosk", which looks a lot more inviting and railway-esque. The shops/buffets on the line are now run by the company directly, rather than as part of a franchise, we hope the new set up works. Paignton has the gift shop and buffet, Kingswear has more buffet/restaurant and less shop. Do come along and see what you think. The shop is aimed at ALL our passengers, there are railway books, no models i'm afraid but with the internet and two very good model shops in town (one of which is accross the road) and with limited space as it is, we felt it best to leave models out.
    If we do not stock something that you think would be a good idea then do, please, mention it to the shop staff.

    So, come along and pick holes!
  6. Glad to hear that Nunney arrived safely. Hopefully they will not have too much of a problem returning her to running and I look forward to seeing her (hopefully) at the Heritage weekend.

    Mr FC and I popped into Paignton on Sunday due to all the strange stuff going on with the Duchy.

    I must say I was most impressed with both the new booking hall and shop areas. Much more clean looking and welcoming. The shop is brilliant now. One always felt that you were browsing round an old antiques shop before and now its bright and airy and a pleasure to be in. Well done! I shall definately be popping in again.

  7. Ray Mason

    Ray Mason Member

    Feb 4, 2006
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    Dawlish Seawall
    Rumour at the SDR gala!!!
    5029 poss working! This weekend was mentioned but the source was unknown. True or simply wishful thinking?
    PS I liked the changes at Paignton when I rode last week + hope they/you have a record season
  8. Stu in Torbay

    Stu in Torbay Part of the furniture

    Sep 6, 2005
    Likes Received:
    GPS Navigation Engineer
    Goodrington Bank, Paignton
    Well, I guess if the axle was not damaged, then re-whitemetaling the bearing and re-fitting is not an unusual job? so its possible. Hope to see 5029 puling a load up Goodington bank then......
  9. Scorpian04111986

    Scorpian04111986 Member

    Jan 6, 2008
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    I install Commercial and Domestic Oil Tanks all ov
    Torquay mostly
    Theres lots of rumours flying around possibly partly due to the rather hopeful conversations in this thread.

    If and when Nunney does appear at the Heritage Weekend I'm sure will be well publisised before the event, it does seem the ideal oppurtunity though as I know they didn't want to hire locos in due to cost etc. I t would however be a big shame if they missed such and ideal oppurtunity to make their gala a whole lot better, mostly due to lucky circumstances for them and Nunneys misfortune, But at the end of the day time will tell!!
  10. busman12

    busman12 New Member

    May 25, 2008
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    I have recently visited the `new look` booking hall & shop. Although i agree with some that it does look fresh and clean, in my opinion i prefered it before. The new (un-finished looking to me) booking kiosk as you walk in looks as if it has just been plonked there, When the kiosk was on the side you could see the shop when you walked into the building and if you decided not to ride on the train you could browse in the shop, now you cannot see the shop. Why did they not place the booking kiosk in the far right-hand corner where the Round Robin kiosk was, That would have meant less people queuing outside.

    The new-look shop is nothing compared to the old one. Yes the old shop may have looked jumbled-up but had much much more railway items for sale. Anyone who remembers the vast amount of books, dvds and videos they sold - wait until you see what they have now !! [-X
    To me everything looks too cheap and sterile. Didn`t they have enough time to finish the redecorating before the season started ?

    Regarding Kingswear, no more shop kiosk on the platform and this buffet effort - no comment [-( .

    One final question - How much did this all cost ? I thought that Paignton Station was being redeveloped later this year so why spend this money out only for it all to be demolished soon. What was wrong with just a quick lick of paint.. ](*,)
  11. Roosterrory

    Roosterrory Member

    Apr 26, 2006
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    Fireman/Fitter at PDSR
    Churston or Cranmore
    Right, i'm afraid what you heard was definately a rumor, the loco and tender are currently split at Churston Workshop, with the offending tender axle removed ready to be taken the South Devon Railway Workshops, where a final examination and decision will made as to wether tehe problem can be rectified by skimming the damaged journal. Once work is completed, the axle will be put back in and th engine run in before moving back to Tysely. At this moment, there has been talks of her POSSIBLY staying for the heritage weekend, but untill work has started on the axle and a better time scale is known, that will remain a possibility, but we will keep you informed as best we can.

    7827 is also currently at Churston, we plan to have her out for the heritage wknd, but still have a good couple of week's work left, not including the running in of the repaired axle box.
  12. 83A

    83A New Member

    Mar 29, 2007
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    Film producer
    Many thanks for keeping us informed Rory - it's always very useful to get information rather than conjecture.
    Is Nunney likely to be 'run in' on the P&DSR, either light or loaded & if so can you try to give advance info in case we can get out to ride and/or photograph?

    Many thanks
  13. 1420bulliver

    1420bulliver New Member

    Mar 13, 2006
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    From the Railways website, i see that the dining train is to make a return in June,i know the previous dining rake was all sold/scrapped, so has the railway purchased a new rake of coaches or what?
  14. Scorpian04111986

    Scorpian04111986 Member

    Jan 6, 2008
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    I install Commercial and Domestic Oil Tanks all ov
    Torquay mostly
    I believeyou know that the SDR has the "Duchess", last time I visited the PDSR there wasn't any new stock unless its hidden but hiding a rake of coahces would be a hard job, unless they've refitted they're BSet. While your picking holes you should have a look at the list of events being held at the Thomas Event.

  15. I think the above is a bit harsh! They have abviously tried very hard and succeeded in my humble opinion. As for what is in the shop, maybe, just maybe all those railway books and DVD's didn't sell to joe public on their holidays looking for a day out. They are not catering for us hardened enthusiasts remember. As I said just my opinion!

  16. Stu in Torbay

    Stu in Torbay Part of the furniture

    Sep 6, 2005
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    GPS Navigation Engineer
    Goodrington Bank, Paignton
    I think its about time we accepted the P&DSR for what it is. A business. In actual fact, in some ways it is more authentic in this regard than some heritage lines. I'm reading a book by Colin Maggs on the Calne Branch in Wiltshire, and it was all about shares, shareholders, dividends, receipts, profits, etc..., in fact all lines were run like this, and before any were built, there had to be a business case for them. I have to say, I always look at the Devon Belle and make a comment like "Ah, that's good" when I see it go by full of punters, because I know peoples wages depend on it. So, let them stock in the shop whatever they feel will sell to their customers.
    As for Nunney, she would be a great crowd puller at the Heritage w/e, and I hope all will fall into place for her to be working then. However, her repair is the most important issue at the moment. Hope the damage to the axle is not too serious and the SDR guys can turn it down.
  17. Greenway

    Greenway Part of the furniture

    Mar 16, 2008
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    South Hams
    Heritage Railway Volunteer:
    No I do not currently volunteer
    The franchisee at Paignton and Kingswear had other retail shops and was able to trade most days of the year which, in turn, gave the railway shops the facilities of a large and varied stock. This has changed. Premises have to be modernized, hopefully to increase passenger numbers - which is why the railway is there - and facilities for them. There is also a need to conform to the many recent requirements made by Government and local authorities which usually cannot be delayed and incur costs. These costs often cannot be put into abeyance especially for projects which have not yet commenced.

    The present economic situation is dictating how this and other railways move forward and I am sure the P&DSR, like many other Heritage Railways, have been re-appraising how they operate all the various facets of their business; now and in the future.

    Weddings are now a well booked feature for the P&DSR and its stations have had alterations made to provide good facilities for these occasions. This, in turn, will benefit the Railway in many ways. Tourism plays a large part in the English Riviera: the P&DSR is a major player in it.

    The trains, whilst being primarily for tourists, does offer an ideal opportunity for local people to travel and it is also worth remembering that the P&DSR operates buses, small ships/boats and a vital Ferry Service on a year around basis.

    I know many objected to the sign in the shop regarding the railway books. Truthfully I think it did sum up how many - especially non train travelers in the main - used the shop. ;-)
  18. Scorpian04111986

    Scorpian04111986 Member

    Jan 6, 2008
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    I install Commercial and Domestic Oil Tanks all ov
    Torquay mostly
    I never aid nunneys repair wasn't the most important issue t the moment I'm sure we all wish her luck and hope to see her on the mainline again soon, Especially on the Torbay Expresses.

    The fact is though if the repair is done on time they get permission etc etc, then this is a "golden egg" laying in their lap to turn around a Heritage Wknd which is to be fair going to probably be much the same as last year, just with a added goods train. Nuney could then really make this event sucessful, and if so and they take more than last year then surely this would then be just reason to expect them to possibly hire in a loco next year!! While this may be jumping a few rungs of the preverbial Gala "Ladder" by doing it then why not.

    As I said in a previous post if all they do every year is just run 3 engines and open the sheds then the event will get stale very quickly and I've already spoken to people who won't be going because of this.
  19. 1420bulliver

    1420bulliver New Member

    Mar 13, 2006
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    Who’s picking holes? I simply asked a positive question, has the railway bought a new dining train? At minimum the company would need to purchase/create a kitchen car for the operations.

    Unlike many people on this forum I see the PDSR for what it is, a unique, commercial, leisure operation, which efficiently transports 10s of thousands of people a year from one tourist resort to two tourist destinations using a combination of steam train, boat and bus. I suppose you could say the company is environmentally friendly, how many cars do the railway/boats take off the congested roads to Dartmouth and Totnes??

    And in regards to the other events, the New GM seems to have got the market segmentation correct, by using events based upon the value added format there is very little financial risk involved and in my opinion it is the correct way to go as the majority of PDSRs visitors use the railway for what it was built, as a people mover, the use of steam adds a further leisure experience to their trip to Dartmouth or for a cruise along the dart.

    Plese do not say that I am picking holes in PDSRs operations, if anything your the one who seems to be;

    Last year was standard peak timetable with Mercury and Lydhams + Titan giving brakevan rides, workshops/sheds open and a few side-shows, such as traction engines and a model/photograph exhibition.

    This year will see further development of the side-shows with more traction engines, vintage cars, a military encampment and a brewery visiting, that is alongside the development of the railway side of the gala two further engines in steam (possibly 3 with Nunney), very rare double heading with steam on the branch, and the goods train.

    Not to mention the fact that last year the only marketing was on a localised scale it wasn't even mentioned on the website, the only reason I knew that the weekend was happening was through this forum, and also the railways leaflet but this was only because I was coincidently on holiday in the region, the same weekend.

    This season the railway has done marketing/PR, with most of the railway magazines, even if it is 4/5 lines in a column or in their event diary. The website has full details including the times for the goods train, plus the ability to shortly pre-book online, I would also imagine that closer to the date of the event the railway will have full adverts in most magazines not to mention posters in most of Torbay’s/south Devon TICs (Tourist Information Centres for those not acquainted with Tourism management abbreviations). Thus, marketing the Gala on a National Scale, what would be the point in a commercial operation with shareholders potentially wasting money on a event that could loose thousands of pounds, as was stated last year the railway needs to slowly develop this heritage weekend over a number of years, the West somerset for example, took decades to establish itself as the south wests premier special events railway and also as one of the top in the UK for its spring and autumn galas.
  20. busman12

    busman12 New Member

    May 25, 2008
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    Sorry it may have sounded abit harsh, but looking on the side of visitors to the railway, it is the booking hall & shop they see first, and it`s these paying visitors who keep this railway open - First impressions !!
    I agree that things have to be modernized with EU rulings, but i am sure that the booking hall & shop could have been given a more old-fashion look inkeeping with a GWR Railway Station. Look at the stations on the SDR for example.

    The PDSR is a fantastic railway, so why not have the buildings and inside the buildings to match the GWR era and not given a modern feel.
    I wonder what the new station will be like when re-developed ?

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