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Anthony Coulls
Last Activity:
Mar 20, 2019
Apr 24, 2008
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Anthony Coulls

Well-Known Member

Anthony Coulls was last seen:
Mar 20, 2019
    1. john480
      Hey! i m new to this forum.... can you help me to be familiar here... and about the latest popular thread....
    2. StoneRoad
      Ditto from all in Haltwhistle!
    3. tfftfftff86
      Anthony I see that you had a quick look in here on 14 March, but found no reason to post. I'd just like to say that your absence is definitely our loss. I fervently hope that if our little window into the NRM does re-open one day, its value will be better recognised by all members and never taken for granted.
      Good luck with your plans for Locomotion and best wishes, Tony
    4. MarkinDurham
      Hi Anthony, I agree with John 60017's comments - I understand what you said elsewhere, regarding time 'on line' too. Best regards, Mark
    5. 60017
      I'm sorry that the small minded behaviour of the minority have driven you away and fully understand your decision not to post here anymore. Rest assured that the majority appreciated your input and the board will be a lesser place without it. Please consider this as 'signature No.1. on a petition to try and get you back here! Best Wishes, John (60017).
    6. admin
      How are things.
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