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Bluebell 2009 "Modernisation"

Discussion in 'Heritage Railways & Centres in the UK' started by davycrocket, Dec 16, 2008.

  1. PiliPili

    PiliPili New Member

    Mar 4, 2009
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    AIUI, Baxter is planned to provide relatively low-cost steam heating for the coaching stock on winter mornings...

  2. tom92240

    tom92240 Part of the furniture

    Dec 7, 2006
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    Oxford or Crowborough
  3. 46118

    46118 Part of the furniture

    Sep 16, 2005
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    A Diesel Gala on the 12th and 13th September!

    'Tis the 31st March today, but tomorrow..... :-k

  4. Christopher125

    Christopher125 Part of the furniture

    Nov 30, 2005
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    Isle of Wight
  5. Kerosene Castle

    Kerosene Castle Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2006
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    Hell, aka Hull
    Oh dear, better break out the defibrilator... chronic humour bypass predicted. :-#
  6. Christopher125

    Christopher125 Part of the furniture

    Nov 30, 2005
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    Isle of Wight
    no longer relevant, removed.

  7. davycrocket

    davycrocket Member

    Nov 3, 2006
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    I have to say that the Cl73 has come, it is nearly gone and it has saved our valuable steam resources. For this we must be pleased with. I will say that my view has changed - but as has been said before it was a one off, non timetabled train - this debate is nearly done to death, so that's enough from me! What is important is that we never lose focus that we are preserving steam and heritage rolling stock as our number one objective - there are no plans for a di*sel depot!

    I think you have got your wires slightly crossed!

    Is this the quote you are referring to? I just said that Tom, a forum member was going to guard a train! A different guard will be doing the one on Sat 4 April. To see who it is, you'll have to turn up on Saturday. I would not say that Tom is offensive - he's certainly nicer than me and does have very nice long blonde flowing hair!
  8. davycrocket

    davycrocket Member

    Nov 3, 2006
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    Well lets hope so! AGM is Sat 16 May :)

    Communications is a major issue for the Bluebell - as it is for other complex organisations - it shouldn't be and doesn't have to be that way though.
    Bluebell management and the Chairman do know this too. The comms issues are throughout; internal, to members and to the general public. There is no Trustee position that seems to tackle this fundamental problem. The threads about di*sels are a prime example. There has been no official comment or reasons given. This has allowed some damaging comments to be made, without any official answer! Not to say that there shouldn't be debate as it keeps people on their toes!

    If elected as Trustee for Communications and Engagement, I really will tackle it head on. The internet MUST be used, news can now spread in seconds - be it good or bad. The frequency of Bluebell News simply cannot keep up. Indeed, if it did, surely the quality would be comprimised. There should be a away for all members to know what's happening - even if they are without a computer! Though with the website, Facebook, Twitter we can do better! The information should be tailored to our stakeholders needs.

    We [the Bluebell] are simply too big and have far too much on to sit on hands and keep schtum. We are not a secret society and we must be honest, open and accountable. Though at times some decisions may be unpopular to some, they may be for the best - though our members should always know why. Personally, I believe that this is even more important at a time of high capital investment and begging people for money to tell them what it's for and how it's being spent.

    I don't believe that you get this at the moment. That isn't fair.

    Focus on the great things.
    Floreat Vapour
  9. tamper

    tamper Member

    Mar 25, 2006
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    Big sky county
    The mention here of the GN Saloon reminds me that I have not posted that up here in Lincolnshire we are re-instateing the old GN triangle at Firsby so that locos visiting Skegness will be able to be turned. The turntable that was at Skeggy has long gone and is now under Morrison's car park, Surprisingly after the turntable was removed, BR decided that a turning medium was still required and so a triangle was built on land to the south of the yard that the railway owned. Sadly this was removed with the advent of dmus and this area is now the car park for Tesco's.

    It is hoped that the Firsby triangle will be complete and operational by this time next year and if it is we plan to run a five year aniversary trip for 73136 to comemorate it's first main line return charter, and a 70 year aniversary trip for the GN Saloon which was stored, along with the GN Pullmans, up here at Midville in 1940 away from the German bombing of London.
  10. stepney60

    stepney60 Nat Pres stalwart

    Dec 3, 2005
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    I understand all hospitals in Sussex are on standby for a mass intake of heart attacks among some of the lines more gullible membership. Oh wouldn't it be just brilliant if Wilcock falls for it and publishes another rant. \:D/
  11. 73129

    73129 Part of the furniture

    Sep 24, 2007
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    The steaming fees that the owner of 41312 got from the Bluebell have help towards the overhaul of the loco. I think he must be very happy with the money that the Bluebell gave him for the use of his engine on the extension work a few years ago. I seem to remember the steaming fee was about £400.00 pre day.
  12. dace83

    dace83 Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2007
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  13. Eightpot

    Eightpot Resident of Nat Pres Friend

    Aug 10, 2006
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    Engineer Emeritus
    Heritage Railway Volunteer:
    Yes I am an active volunteer
    I wonder how many people will have a multi-orgasm over this?
  14. simon

    simon Resident of Nat Pres

    Jun 26, 2006
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    Very good - that spoof will cause so many heart attacks.
  15. cct man

    cct man Part of the furniture

    Jan 15, 2007
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    Communications is a major issue for the Bluebell - as it is for other complex organisations - it shouldn't be and doesn't have to be that way though.
    Bluebell management and the Chairman do know this too. The comms issues are throughout; internal, to members and to the general public. There is no Trustee position that seems to tackle this fundamental problem. The threads about di*sels are a prime example. There has been no official comment or reasons given. This has allowed some damaging comments to be made, without any official answer! Not to say that there shouldn't be debate as it keeps people on their toes!

    If elected as Trustee for Communications and Engagement, I really will tackle it head on. The internet MUST be used, news can now spread in seconds - be it good or bad. The frequency of Bluebell News simply cannot keep up. Indeed, if it did, surely the quality would be comprimised. There should be a away for all members to know what's happening - even if they are without a computer! Though with the website, Facebook, Twitter we can do better! The information should be tailored to our stakeholders needs.

    We [the Bluebell] are simply too big and have far too much on to sit on hands and keep schtum. We are not a secret society and we must be honest, open and accountable. Though at times some decisions may be unpopular to some, they may be for the best - though our members should always know why. Personally, I believe that this is even more important at a time of high capital investment and begging people for money to tell them what it's for and how it's being spent.

    I don't believe that you get this at the moment. That isn't fair.

    Focus on the great things.
    Floreat Vapour[/quote:1yi77lu5]

    A good post Sinclair, and Ian Johnson, myself and others will be voting fot you on that basis at the AGM. The Bluebell belongs to people like yourself and Tom Waghorn now the next generation as for too long the veil of secrecy has hung over the Bluebell.

    If the news is good that great, if the news is bad this is an opportunity to learn from those mistakes and move forward.

    Well done.

    Chris Willis
  16. sigsnguard

    sigsnguard Member

    Jul 11, 2007
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    Will try to get to the AGM myself and do my bit for a newer order. Definitely agreed about communications, we are in a similar muddle at Swanage and have yet to find a way to reach our "non-conected" members and volunteers. Thing to remember is news can and will travel very quickly over tinterweb, so efforts on that front are needed from an official source - but how to get that information out to others without it costing loads of cash in printing/postage, that's the one to answer.

    As for the hijacker of Bluebell web site - see above, may miss many who would NOT be amused as they aren't online. Very well done though!
  17. Spamcan81

    Spamcan81 Nat Pres stalwart

    Aug 25, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Training moles
    The back of beyond
    Heritage Railway Volunteer:
    Yes I am an active volunteer
    Communications is a major issue for the Bluebell - as it is for other complex organisations - it shouldn't be and doesn't have to be that way though.
    Bluebell management and the Chairman do know this too. The comms issues are throughout; internal, to members and to the general public. There is no Trustee position that seems to tackle this fundamental problem. The threads about di*sels are a prime example. There has been no official comment or reasons given. This has allowed some damaging comments to be made, without any official answer! Not to say that there shouldn't be debate as it keeps people on their toes!

    If elected as Trustee for Communications and Engagement, I really will tackle it head on. The internet MUST be used, news can now spread in seconds - be it good or bad. The frequency of Bluebell News simply cannot keep up. Indeed, if it did, surely the quality would be comprimised. There should be a away for all members to know what's happening - even if they are without a computer! Though with the website, Facebook, Twitter we can do better! The information should be tailored to our stakeholders needs.

    We [the Bluebell] are simply too big and have far too much on to sit on hands and keep schtum. We are not a secret society and we must be honest, open and accountable. Though at times some decisions may be unpopular to some, they may be for the best - though our members should always know why. Personally, I believe that this is even more important at a time of high capital investment and begging people for money to tell them what it's for and how it's being spent.

    I don't believe that you get this at the moment. That isn't fair.

    Focus on the great things.
    Floreat Vapour[/quote:cywclrpo]

    Excellent post. You'd get my vote if postal votes were allowed - correct me if I'm wrong and they are allowed - but sadly I'll be at work some 100 miles away from the meeting.
  18. davycrocket

    davycrocket Member

    Nov 3, 2006
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    Excellent post. You'd get my vote if postal votes were allowed - correct me if I'm wrong and they are allowed - but sadly I'll be at work some 100 miles away from the meeting.[/quote:1adregf5]

    That's a shame Ian, but understandable.

    At present there is no postal voting. I will be making enquire through my TU who use an independent firm for strike ballots to get an idea of the costs. However, another reason for there being no postal voting is to budge people down to the AGM so we get the right number of members.

    One idea I have of reaching non internet members is a recorded members information phone line. Where a number is dialed and there is loco, rolling stock, scandal (well other news ;-) ).....
  19. cct man

    cct man Part of the furniture

    Jan 15, 2007
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    Perhaps now is the time for Richard Salmon to stand down as Webmaster, it gives someone else a chance to put a fresh angle to it and leaves Richard to go on to greater glory.

    This is in no way any offence to Richard Salmon who has done and still does a great job winning awards for his website.

    Chris Willis
  20. martin butler

    martin butler Part of the furniture

    Jun 16, 2008
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    its a pity, just think of the money the railway could have made the anti any thing but steam brigade could have taken the week end off there is a very strong following for ex southen region diesels every other railway holds diesel galas now, come on bluebelle isnt it time to stop living in the past? after all even these hated parafin cans are relics of the days gone past
    if you want to be true to your beginnings, loose the pulmans, the mark one coaches dont run beyond horstead outshop the adams tank and pre grouping engines only
    the world has moved on you are going to be left behind, once you start running to east grinstead how long before your next loco crisis because you dont have enough engines that can cope with the daily requirement of an extended railway ie water and coal capicity your smaller engines will be of limited use

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