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Multiple ID Users

Discussion in 'Forum Information' started by Pete Thornhill, Jul 31, 2015.

  1. Pete Thornhill

    Pete Thornhill Resident of Nat Pres Staff Member Administrator Moderator Friend

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Having had a couple of these recently I thought it might be time to post a gentle reminder to all forum members that having more than one user ID on the forum is against the rules which you agree to abide by when you sign up as a member. Therefore I ask that everyone respects this rule. Should you choose not to then please note this will lead to further action being taken.

    For anyone who would like to see the forum rules they can be found here - http://www.national-preservation.com/threads/forum-rules.687/

    Thank you in advance for your cooperation on this issue.
    goldfish, Standard 4MT, 60017 and 3 others like this.

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