How will the coal trains be operated? From what I understand, the line doesn't have a rake of coal wagons available (unless one has arrived...
So what you are saying is that if a proposal to restore 23 and 26 came about, the IOMT&RPS would not oppose it?
Is this quite true? Although No.7 and N.42 and other small assets are now based in England, several of the IOMR&TPS's assets are still on DCCL...
Not for much longer - the UK's only international railway now does a decent job of being quite generic...
Once again Allan does the Islands enthusiasts a discredit. It's great to be passionate about something and to want to preserve it 'at home' but...
Pretty sure a few Black 5's made it over the line since 1951 although pres technically started quite a few years before that! In fact,...
If you're going for Charter success as well as vocal altitude, CD No.1 isn't the way to go. A bright blue power station shunter is a tad...
Aware of that - but I seem to remember them being referred to as Fox-Walkers.
Lack of spares - DRS's locos continue to ply their trade as theres quite a supply of 20/37 bits about. It's a tad different for Viking. The...
Nothing like a bit of trespass to get the 'perfect' shot....
Or just not go at all? The Black Lion may be good but is it worth £17.50 to get there..?
I agree with the above - 850 in blue/greys is the most authentic combination possible with what the ELR has available... Falsgrave | Flickr -...
As a lifelong Manx Railway enthusiast (trying to offer a counter-opinion to this thread!) I'm more than happy for Pender to be sat in MOSI and...
Agreed - for a 73096 centered weekend it spends the majority of it's time away from the limelight on a non-passenger working and doubled up with...
Gen now available from numerous places.
I'd imagine that's the point?
Agreed - it'd be interesting to find if the GC's almost-continious gala weekends are actually beginning to cause some footfall issues. Too many...
Both items are easily changeable however.....
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