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Discussion in 'Steam Traction' started by Steve1015, Oct 25, 2012.

  1. thegrimeater

    thegrimeater Member

    Sep 12, 2008
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    I would assume 80078 had an agreement with the Swanage whilst in ticket, this agreement has now expired so SLL can do what the heck they like with it. If they wanted to sell it to Booths for making into tin cans they could. It appears SLL can't afford to continue with this loco for whatever reasons so are selling it to fund their other locos and ensure they have a safe future. I can only assume 80078 has been sold to someone or somewhere that has intentions to overhual it so it seems like a win win situation. The loco is of no use to Swanage or anybody else sat in the siding where I saw it at the gala.
  2. swanrail

    swanrail Guest

    First off, I feel intimidated that you have said what I have said is Libel.

    78, was considered by many, including SLL shareholders to be sacrilege to Swanage Railway.
    To sell it is like selling the Family silver and SLL know that. Swanage Railway wasn't even given the chance to bid on this locomotive this time round, remember the railway practically gave to SLL when the railway was on its knees and Swanage Railway Members bought into SLL to safeguard this first Mainline Loco.

    You have to remember that Swanage Railway came into this game fairly late in the day, it had no track, no bridges and still to this day, doesn't own the track bed.
    It came close to bankruptcy and clawed back to grow into one of the most successful heritage railways in the UK.
    This was no done without favors I know, but it takes a massive lack of respect to sell something so pivotal to the Swanage Railway's history. Remember, the council only started taking the SRT seriously because 78 arrived.

    Any this is history now and I am looking forward to a future where Swanage Railway will no longer be held to ransom by SLL.
    You talk about 34072, now why would this be a better option for the SR? 78, was and is ideal and the railway tried and tried again to get SLL to agree on an overhaul deal, but they were more interested in 34072.

    My name by the way isn't Swanrail, and what I saying is in NO WAY the appointed view of the Swanage Railway company board or Swanage Railway Trust. These are my own personal views and these views are made and formed from my opinions.
    I fully supported SLL until recently but this is the final straw.
  3. Spamcan81

    Spamcan81 Nat Pres stalwart

    Aug 25, 2007
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    I suspect there are both legal and moral obligations at play here and sadly the legal position will take precedence over the moral one every time. 80078 isn't the first loco to leave a railway and it won't be the last.
  4. swanrail

    swanrail Guest

    yeah we will see what the legal position is in time im sure.
  5. D1039

    D1039 Guest

    I know zip about this, and have no interests in either party, but SLL twitter (which caused me to look here) says their website will have news within next day or two. And Lo!

    "Au revoir to 80078

    The most significant announcement made to shareholders at the AGM was that SLL has reached agreement with a private buyer for the sale of one of our two Standard Class 4 Tank locos, 80078. This has been out of service awaiting overhaul since 2010. Having spent a total of £773,000 on the restoration of Sir Keith Park our cash reserves have been run down. We have very mixed feelings about selling one of our fleet, but in the absence of funding for its overhaul, and the competiting demands of 257 Squadron and other future overhauls to Eddystone and 80104, it is clearly the right way forward. While the new owner will remove the loco to a site for restoration he is minded to return it to operate at Swanage, though this is a matter for the new owner and Swanage Railway.

    To be clear, SLL has no plans to sell other locos, and the proceeds of the sale of 80078 will only partly meet the cost of the overhauls we plan for the next few years. So we will continue to ask our shareholders and supporters, old and new, to give us their time and money. You would expect no less from us, and we are grateful for your continuing support - see next item.

    257 Squadron

    Selling 80078 will permit us to commit to big ticket items such as repairs to 257 Squadron's boiler...."

    More on Southern Locomotives Ltd | Latest News

  6. D7076

    D7076 Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2007
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    Now who wanted a Standard tank........?Oh yes.
  7. nickt

    nickt Member

    Apr 17, 2009
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    Hi all,

    We don't propose to debate all of the comments made on this thread today, however we have updated our website this evening with latest News and an Appeal page for 34072's restoration, plus some other changes.

    Southern Locomotives Ltd | Latest News

    (The main menus will be updated shortly, meanwhile the Appeal page can only be reached from the links on the front page and within the News page. Also, the downloadable appeal form appears twice - that will also be fixed shortly.)

    Thanks for your support.
  8. spindizzy

    spindizzy Member

    May 21, 2009
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    With a previous deal for a Mainline Std 4 tank falling through could this be the one? Fingers crossed
  9. RalphW

    RalphW Nat Pres stalwart Staff Member Administrator Friend

    Sep 11, 2005
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    You cannot make comments like that without substantive evidence of poor workmanship, do you have any??
  10. 34007

    34007 Part of the furniture

    Mar 16, 2007
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    This is what annoys me about Nat-Pres with people making comments like these. SLL bring a loco back from the brink and yet people still make snide comments. SLL has stated will be making a statement in the next day or two. I suggest if people want to B***h then they should go to PM with one-another.
  11. John Petley

    John Petley Part of the furniture

    Oct 8, 2007
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    Perhaps it's worth taking a close look at this part of the SLL statement:-

    It doesn't promise that the overhauled 80078 will DEFINITELY run at Swanage, but does say there is a good chance that it will. If this is the case, then it's a win/win situation:- 80078 steams at Swanage again and SLL don't have to fund the overhaul and will therefore have more cash to go towards the overhauls of 34072, 34028 and 80104. That sounds like a situation which ought to keep everyone happy
  12. Ruston906

    Ruston906 Member

    Aug 11, 2011
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    I dont see what the SLL have done wrong they can not afford to restore the loco so selling it to someone who has the cash to do so is good for everyone,people must remember swanage did turn down the offer of SKP which made the SLL have to search round for another base for the loco which they had spent a large amount of money restoring.
  13. swanrail

    swanrail Guest

    It is not a win win situation. This is a win for SLL ONLY. It will keep their ship afloat for a couple more years before it goes under again and you wait, 104 will be gone. They don't care for the Standards, its Southern Locomotives.
    There are reasons for SKPs refusal onto Swanage metals one of the issues was that Swanage has absolutely no need, whatsoever for three west countries, this is not Bouremouth Motive Power depot.

    I have read their laughable statement on it coming back and its just breadcrumbs to reduce the flack.

    I am not surprised that they will not comment on here, it would be far too courteous to show some respect to the Swanage Railway Membership that worked tirelessly to save 78 in the first place.

    This is not a gripe at SLL as a whole, only their management structure and how they choose to run their company, supposedly for the good of the share holders......haha
  14. twr12

    twr12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2007
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    There is a lot more to this story than the letter from the SR Chairman can tell.
    I'm not saying "I know something you don't nah nah". But, Directors and Managers of Railway Companies and Loco Owners know the detail of their arrangements and negotiations- which is why we cannot actually comment!
    What I can tell everyone, is that Mr. Hosking has NOT bought 80078.
  15. Ruston906

    Ruston906 Member

    Aug 11, 2011
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    No I do not currently volunteer
    I am not surprised that they will not comment on here, it would be far too courteous to show some respect to the Swanage Railway Membership that worked tirelessly to save 78 in the first place.
    Then sold or gave the Loco to a private company giving away all control i assume expecting quicker overhauls and less time required by there staff volunteers

  16. Steve1015

    Steve1015 Member

    May 26, 2011
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    Swanage has not lost a good engine as such. It was out of ticket last year (or was it 2010) simples at that.
  17. david1984

    david1984 Resident of Nat Pres

    Sep 13, 2005
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    While not wishing to have a go at anyone in particular, I do find it a bit on the arrogant side that some are angry about the legitimate removal of a Standard Tank by it's owner when they turned down a newly overhauled and operational Bulleid, yes I can understand why the Tank is more desirable, but don't you realise what a priviledged position your in to turn down a modern tender engine capable of any loadings you throw at it ?, there's a number of lines out there that would kill for a working ex BR machine, some even preying for any steam loco capable of shifting a decent load for them.

    If 78 does move on then it's a shame for Swanage, but at least your not in a position where you have to resort to an Andrew Barclay or even fire up the class 33 regularly.
  18. tobes3803

    tobes3803 Member

    Jun 20, 2007
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    Its a 5.5 mile branchline theirs only so many express passenger engines they need! Having one of each type is probaby a luxary not a necesity! Plus Maybe their was other factors!
  19. swanrail

    swanrail Guest

    David you act like SSL were going to give us 34053 for free, they weren't. SR would of paid handsomely for its use.
    Your opinion about having 3 west countries on site is wrong.
    These are modern express passenger locomotives, they are not simple machines and the Swanage Railway has the most basic maintenance facilities of any heritage railway. 5 locomotives are maintained, outside, from a 20 foot shipping container. 2 west countries is pushing it and in order for the Tanks, which our our bread and butter, not to suffer, 2 will be enough for ever.

    The important thing people need to know is that the issue really isn't because 78 is a standard 4 tanks, heck it could be a West Country.
    The point is this locomotive was pivotal to the development of the Swanage Railway.
    It was the first mainline locomotive to arrive and has been with the SR since 1978.
    Heritage Railways have stories to tell and now a massive part of that history is gone.

    Sure there are sour grapes, how would you like it if it happened to your railway? The Swanage Railway / SLL relationship has always been odd, the lines between the organisations have been burred at times but I cannot remember a time where these 2 have now so visibly divided.
    The Swanage Railway is a MAJOR shareholder in SLL and they couldn't even get them to negotiate on a realistic overhaul package.
    It is time for change and im looking forward to it, this cosy relationship has gone on far too long and it is time for change, in fact it might be just the medicine the Swanage Railway needs long term.

    I'm not saying it won't return, it might and I wish the new owner the very best of luck with its overhaul.
    The point is 78 was supposed to stay here regardless of the owner. If SSL had given assurances that this was going to be the case...as they always said they would with regards to 78 then we would not be in this mess now.
  20. Sidmouth

    Sidmouth Resident of Nat Pres Staff Member Moderator

    Sep 12, 2005
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    Alderan !
    Heritage Railway Volunteer:
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    From your comments Swanrail you would appear to be speaking from a position of influence within Swanage and almost (despite your denials) speaking for the railway .

    The risk for the railway is that this airing of ill feeling in the public domian may well mean that at the end of the contract periods of the engines all are moved away leaving the railway with 30053 and ...... ?

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