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Peak Rail General Discussion

Discussion in 'Heritage Railways & Centres in the UK' started by kestreleyes, Nov 22, 2009.

  1. kestreleyes

    kestreleyes Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2007
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    signal engineer
    S and t work

    Andrew John and myself jacked up the front corner post on rowsley box with the aid of lots of packing blocks and the ten ton jack plus a large beam to act as an extender to the bolts on the upper brackets, luckily it worked quite well,requiring at least three times to go back and loosen the bolts off on the leg base to let it go up further, that done the base was packed out with steel plates made from old stretcher rods, that Job out the way we could finally get the woodwork finished on the front and rear though I wished we’d started it the other way round and did the bit in the sun first as it was like an oven on the rear of the box by mid afternoon.

    There’s the last bottom bits to fit on and some finishing pieces on the rear under the windows to do, then onto filling and painting which will be likely next Sunday during the behind the scenes day while I’m on site and can then be free to field questions if asked.

    We met an interesting chap today who had previously dropped of a plan of some of the rowsley turnover frame he’d worked on while he was a signal engineer on the rowsley maintenance gang under BR before the line closed, he had a look round the work and was telling us at when the line closed his team was not made redundant like other rowsley staff but was left for a year at the old station supplied with coal in winter and paint in summer till the gang were eventually utilised elsewhere , I’ve invited him back when it’s all done,now he has some stories worth hearing of the old days and the lines signalling

    We also had a look at some faults at darley on the treadle and gate and got some maintenance done besides at church lane too.

    Down in the loco shed, Martin was busy painting up one end of the class 25, some of the s and t gang have been busy assisting with electrical testing on the loco ,and generally getting things ready for the weekends behind the scenes day 1st July.

    Attached Files:

  2. kestreleyes

    kestreleyes Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2007
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    signal engineer
  3. kestreleyes

    kestreleyes Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2007
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    signal engineer
    For a requested £3 donation on the door, all welcome to:

    Monday 2 July 2018 at 7:30pm
    "Toy Train to the Clouds" - digital - David Charlesworth (Chesterfield)

    David is a member of the Guild of Railway Artists. He is also a founding member & Director of the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Society, and the Editor of its quarterly magazine 'The Darjeeling Mail'. The Society supports this now UNESCO World Heritage Site and its wider community, and is well respected by the Indian Railways national operator.

    David explains both the Society and the Railway - which regularly gets sections washed away in monsoon season - with its loops and spirals, and plucky little Sharp, Stewart 'B Class' 0-4-0ST steam locos dating from the 1880's and which sport a 'footplate' crew of 5, including 2 men riding the front buffer beam to spread sand on the rail for adhesion, and a 'coal pusher' working the coal supply which is in a saddle bunker over the firebox.

    Including recent photos from his 2016 visit, David presents an up-to-date review of the challenges facing this remarkable railway, which has links with the Ffestiniog Railway here in the UK.



    Presented by: Peak Railway Association (Sheffield Branch) at
    The Harlequin Pub (upstairs function room)
    108 Nursery St, Sheffield S3 8GG

    bus routes 3, 7, 8, 8a, 83 and 83a stop near the front door.


    David Sharp
    Peak Railway Association, Sheffield Branch

    (E): 0114 274 5478
    (M): 07950 787 231 (text or call)

    future branch programme and directions to The Harlequin, can be found at:

    Aizlewoods Mill car park. The menacing parking notices are to tackle daytime abuse. Aizlewoods confirm Harlequin patrons can continue to park in evenings. 'Policing' only done by Aizlewoods staff (who finish at 1700). The London security firm is used just to process any parking notices instigated by Aizlewoods.
  4. kestreleyes

    kestreleyes Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2007
    Likes Received:
    signal engineer
    BB7EC3EA-0C17-493C-89F4-661BECBDD7D0.jpeg 12AA25EB-EDF2-4A72-8743-0D4D9CC7BF73.jpeg 0B3EF5BC-22A3-4A74-BE01-B612B43CCB21.jpeg 5C6D7391-3089-477F-8D81-0CF4E406CD01.jpeg F2A1EE93-7718-4288-8004-234E9DA16CA0.jpeg This weekend has shall we say been very very busy, Saturday morning an early trip down to church lane to unplug the water supply from the toilet and sort out the errant bottom room door meant dave having to bread me down through the frame end, that was capped off and a new toilet methinks is required for church lane, I also managed prior to that to repaint the xing gates at darley and then also help Ben and dave fit the remaining station lamps at darley plus remove a few for alteration.

    Sunday turned out to be a more busier day as with the behind the scenes open day it was literally non stop from half nine through till five o’clock, the site was busy and I believe we had a very good turnout passenger wise, it was good to seethe HST,LMSCA,Ashover,our own workshops and other groups getting families around their various locations, I also had a visit from a lady who was trying to see what her dad an s and t telegraph lineman from chesterfield used to do, I also had a visit from a Martin Kirk who used to be the register lad at the original Rowsley South box in 1965 for a few years, He brought along one of the original register books he retained, I’ve invited him back for the opening when we’ve finished, so that’s two ex employees of the old site I’ve met in two weeks

    The rowsley box has now been painted in primer,all the holes and gaps sealed and the base of three out the four panels fitted with a sleeper to close the base up, the gloss coat will be next and there’s one sleeper to slide under the pulley wheels next time on the front of the frame and the last two boards can then be fitted on the front.
  5. daveannjon

    daveannjon Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2006
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    Waiting for the Right Away
    Definite feeling 'Behind the Scenes' was worthwhile and will be repeated but at a different time of year.

  6. kestreleyes

    kestreleyes Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2007
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    signal engineer
    Absolutely boss, without doubt lots of local interest and very busy since the early morn, it was a first and a good learning curve for next time for everyone, possibly do it again during the end of school hols when most families are home not wanting to spend much cash but want to go out still with the kids
  7. bobw754

    bobw754 New Member

    Jun 14, 2016
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    Heritage Railway Volunteer:
    Yes I am an active volunteer

    Attached Files:

  8. bobw754

    bobw754 New Member

    Jun 14, 2016
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    Heritage Railway Volunteer:
    Yes I am an active volunteer
  9. Steve

    Steve Resident of Nat Pres Friend

    Oct 7, 2006
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    Gentleman of leisure, nowadays
    Near Leeds
    Heritage Railway Volunteer:
    Yes I am an active volunteer
    That buffer stop on the N.G. doesn't look as though it would stop much. I hope anything will miss the box!
    Robkitchuk likes this.
  10. kestreleyes

    kestreleyes Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2007
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    signal engineer
    the buffer stops needs to be moved back, the section of track that used to be where the box was -was removed some time back ,once the Ashover light railway folks have sorted out getting the running over Henrys narrow gauge bit sorted then we can look at removing the old buffer stop and putting a proper wooden walkway for staff where that is now and altering up that fence right next the box door too.
  11. kestreleyes

    kestreleyes Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2007
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    signal engineer
    Weekly update

    It’s warm,warm and please can we have some rain,just a small bit please

    Loco and rolling stock news

    Quite a bit this week, il start with Mr Briddon who has managed to recover the ferry wagons from Peterborough sidings, il let his webpage Do the talking here as he has more knowledge than me on waggon details ,there’s also some news on RS8

    37152 the class 37 up at Rowsley shed has started to be sanded down read6 for repainting,itl Ben a few weeks yet till it’s finished,but il keep you updated,I’ve a picture to post in a minute on the other device

    The class 08 has had her doors off,cylinders and liners and pistons removed and she’s being worked on presently

    The class 25 ,the Matlock end is nearly complete,the electrics and floor are all back in and painting of the main body is due ,once that’s done the other end can be started.

    Rolling stock wise the Waterman Trust goods van is in the process of a repaint and I managed to call in on Ben up at the LMSCA where the Midland Railway brake van is now being reassembled, the side frames are all assembled back on the body and the veranda sections are being machined up Andrew fitted as we speak.

    Apart from that and everyone trying to stay out the heat,I also didn’t a bit on the rowsley box ,fitting some timbers and finishing off the boarding, onto other jobs now.
    Bluenosejohn likes this.
  12. kestreleyes

    kestreleyes Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2007
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    signal engineer
    Bit of a photographic opportunity for Shunters enthusiasts


    Also spotted from the HST Facebook page an update to some of the next Shunters gala lineup

    “Update for our 1st & 2nd September 2018

    After much deliberation, wringing of hands and pulling of hair, the following locos are provisionally allocated for operating this Gala;

    D2854 + D2953

    PWM 654 + D2587** (See note below)

    07001 or D2205 or D2284 + Bigga

    ** Re D2587 (DEBUTING!!) Yes we are quietly confident that we will have the measure of this monster by the Gala weekend!

    Please also note Bigga will be running in a shiny new coat of mid Brunswick Green, and displaying her "Bigga" nameplates.“
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2018
  13. kestreleyes

    kestreleyes Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2007
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    signal engineer
    A9DFDD59-40FE-4FA3-840E-C131AE28F8BB.png Not strictly railway,but related, Lotus in the Peak event on sunday 15th calls at Rowsley station,Peak Rail, I’m told around a hundred or so Lotus’ plus our trains ,details on the railways website
  14. kestreleyes

    kestreleyes Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2007
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    signal engineer
    F6808D1C-38B9-45E5-8909-310FF9AA08A3.jpeg 7C915913-267F-448A-B94F-95D16A4337E7.jpeg The “Lotus in the Peak” event saw a busy Rowsley yesterday, here’s some photos courtesy of Mr S Graves, apparently around two hundred vehicles took part in the event which spans several routes over the Peak District .
    nine elms fan likes this.
  15. 30854

    30854 Resident of Nat Pres

    Mar 8, 2017
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    Heritage Railway Volunteer:
    No I do not currently volunteer
    Not strictly railway related? Perhaps not, so far as the subject matter is concerned, but when it comes to the area PR runs through, it damned well is! Like pretty much any locally occuring events - especially large and well publicised ones as well as those held on a regular basis - it could scarcely be more relevant. Recall the TV programme about the NYMR's publicist ensuring the line was highly visible during a major (and televised) cycling event? .... Dunno 'bout you folks, but I found the attitude towards maximising publicity for the line most uplifting.

    None of our railways can exist in splendid isolation and it's great to see posts containing info on what else of significance to any railway's local area is going on. I often bang on about ensuring our lines are firmly rooted in (and therefore a lot more relevant to) their communities .... and publicising events such as this gathering of Loti (if that's the correct plural) is a first rate example of doing just that (IMO of course ..... but I'm right on this one)

    ..... and even if it wasn't, boy is it ever nice to come to see stuff to do with Peak Rail right now which doesn't involve internecine bloodletting and excessively well fed lawyers!

    What a long winded-way of saying "Cheers for posting that"! :)
    The Dainton Banker likes this.
  16. daveannjon

    daveannjon Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2006
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    Waiting for the Right Away
    Probably over £2M worth of cars there, amazing. I would have preferred more Elans and Lotus Cortinas but that's probably another Lotus club. They seemed to enjoy the venue anyway.

  17. kestreleyes

    kestreleyes Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2007
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    signal engineer
    S and t Update from Andrew,John and Peter this week,as it’s the school hols for me.

    Rodney and Andrew set to painting the North End Panel and the West Panel (as much as possible) with cream paint.

    In the end we finished all the end and only missed out one plank at the rear.

    John worked on the lock and we had a stroke of luck as Rodney had bought some engineering taps he did not want. It just so happened that there was an M6 one so we tapped out the door frame angle to take the screws to fix the striking plate.

    Rodney and I turned our attention to the panels at the front of the box and re-aligned the boards either side of the left hand window so that they were then parallel to the botton boards ,a little filler is still needed to be done on those still.

    David has took the polycarbonate panes ready to fit the downstairs windows next week.

    Peter has been looking at the telephone system and has been putting in place a data link to update the telephone system and remove some of the faults from the system, this work is ongoing as there’s more to add to the system yet.
    30854 likes this.
  18. 30854

    30854 Resident of Nat Pres

    Mar 8, 2017
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    Heritage Railway Volunteer:
    No I do not currently volunteer
    When isn't it? :)
  19. kestreleyes

    kestreleyes Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2007
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    signal engineer
    Very true sir . The heritage railway proverbial icebergs where more goes on in the background than is instantly seeable to the general public, I will get a chance to talk more to the various groups soon,I know the Ashover gang have been busy converting the ex mod coaches to look more like Ashover carriages with extended chassis etc,that’s an ongoing project and theyre well on with the first one,the second is stripped down too, they also now have the point connection from the shed to the running line in place and in use

    I know Ben and the LMSCA have several things on the go, I had a look at the MR brakevan and that’s just a work of beauty now it’s being reassembled, soon wel have a pic of that once the floor and sides start going on, it’s amazing what lies below floor level.

    I know Mr Briddon has several locos on the restore ,RS8 is making good steady progress, and by the time I get down the class 25 and 37 up at rowsley will be we’ll on the Way to a full repaint and finish externally, so all that to look forward too.

    Here’s also a link to the Renown and Repulse gangs latest work.


    There’s also of course all the other folks that seldom get a mention,the lineside gang for all their hard work tree clearing and the Mencap group who tidy up around the site and fill in any holes, there’s also the pway who will Ben extending the rear of the shed road soon once it gets dug out,not to mention the darley station gang who are at various jobs from repainting the toilets to replacing fencing and so forth

    Keep up the good work folks
    bobw754, Copper-capped, 30854 and 3 others like this.
  20. kestreleyes

    kestreleyes Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2007
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    signal engineer
    Called in briefly this morn to get some work done, also called by the shed, the class 25 has moved on to work on the other cab now,dewiring the wiring loom under the floor first followed by removal of the floor and replacement of the steelwork where needed,repainting continues.

    The class 37 has had more of the old paintwork removed as part of her repaint.

    Fair bit of steam loco work going on but time being limited I didn’t ask. 03B2A4E3-2312-41D7-BB5E-0C10AACEE2EC.jpeg 0C813A7F-0A94-4282-ADE4-93B4159F73DF.jpeg 0E4DD4CC-4AD9-4BDE-9735-ED7367EBEBED.jpeg 0F34C84D-D980-43EE-8F35-DA6556B00B78.jpeg

    The box van has also joined the other stock recently restored on the turntable road, looks good when yo come on site, the rowsley box has also hadn’t more painting done on her, Kev was also busy with the filters on one of the HST Shunters and I had a chat with the chap doing up the 08, I now know something I didn’t ,the radiator door swing open on the front for access,and they have vanes for winter protection that can Ben closed off

    Some pics attached,apologies for the quality,eternal struggles with a windows phone Andy other operating systems

    Time for some jollies now so il update in a week, have fun all

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