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New Profile Posts

  1. S.A.C. Martin
    S.A.C. Martin
    Having humanity is knowing when something is obviously wrong and calling it out for what it is. Sad that this point of view is silenced...
  2. bristolian
    bristolian ruddingtonrsh56
    Morning Sir. I hope you've had a nice Christmas.

    Are you on duty on the Saturday of the forthcoming Gala?. I'm travelling up with the 6880 Owners Rep.

    Very Best Wishes,
    1. D1002 likes this.
  3. LMS2968
    LMS2968 Johnb
    Hi, John,

    This stupid site won't let me send the message. Could you e-mail me on j.norman2007@btinternet.com

  4. 84H
    84H Jamessquared
    Hi Tom, I hope you don’t mind me messaging you. I am the commercial director at the Telford Steam Railway. Would you know who I would need to speak to regarding 9014’s stay in Wales please. I was hoping to see if we can come to an arrangement that when 9014 returns to the Bluebell Railway she may be able to breat her journey with a visit to our railway on her way home. Thanks in advance, Richard
  5. osprey
    Remove my membership
  6. osprey
    Delete all details
  7. Evening Star
    Evening Star 2857Harry
    Hi Harry,

    I was speaking with (I think) Tom Clarke at Bewdley a week ago about the impending return of 1450 to the SVR, and that it would be available for the 2025 Spring Steam Gala, but I have been unable to contact him since, as I wanted to know what next years dates are as I'm the owners rep, can you help?

    Best regards,

  8. SG-Canada
    UK Bound April 5th for the first time since 2018, Swanage, Talyllyn, Ffestiniog and maybe Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway here I come!
  9. 73101 The Royal Alex
    73101 The Royal Alex Flying Phil
    Hi Phil, apologies for a slightly random question - are you part of the Windcutter group at the GCR? I'm a volunteer on the Dean Forest, and we've got a pair of mineral wagons which, if I was being very polite, are in extremely poor condition and probably only fit for spares. I wondered if you'd be interested in recovering anything from them for your fleet? Thanks, Adam, DFR
    1. Flying Phil
      Flying Phil
      Hi Adam
      Sorry for the delay but yes I do organise the Windcutter group and yes I'm sure we would be interested in spares for our wagons. Can you message me on here with more details.
      Mar 31, 2024
  10. LMS2968
    LMS2968 Johnb
    Thanks for the recognition, John, much appreciated. There will be photos going into the next Heritage Rail of the engine in the paint shop being lined and lettered. We and Ronan spent a lot of time researching the livery details, as should happen.

    To be honest, i give up on these people playing trains rather than preserving history.
    1. Johnb
      Thanks Jim, I am a member of the fund but unfortunately not a a practical way. The Valley is 100 miles from home and I spend a lot of time working on a certain MN due back form Devon soon. I think those who like to play I trains are mainly in the younger age groups. Unfortunately those of us who remember real steam are getting thin on the go round as the years pass.
      Mar 22, 2024
  11. ficksberglion
  12. Evening Star
    Evening Star Kje7812
    Hi, do you know what's happened to the "SVR Online Forum" of late, as I haven't been able to connect for a couple of weeks now? Best regards, Reg.
  13. PortLineParker
    PortLineParker LieLestoSbrat
    Hi LieLestoSbrat, hope you're well and that you had a good weekend. Apologies for reaching out via leaving a visitor message, but I don't seem to be able to PM you.

    I was just wondering if you have an email address or can drop me a PM so that I can ask about some of your Trainz assets?

    Cheers, PLP
  14. nickt
    nickt Fred Kerr
    Hi Fred, I run the website and social media for Southern Locomotives, owners of 34072. I saw your photo of 72 running with a high sided tender on the ELR in yesterday's Railway Herald. Please could you send me a copy to use in our forthcoming website news update. Full credit of course. Many thanks, Nick Thompson nhthompson@outlook.com
  15. John Merry
    John Merry LMS2968
    Hello, can I ask are you still involved with the Stanier mogul group?
    Regards, John
  16. The Terminator
    The Terminator
    Ex-L&B Trust Member
  17. osprey
    osprey guycarr360
    I see you fired the Himar at Fish face today...Nice one..Love the bike...I had to blow the photo up to study in detail..
    1. guycarr360
      Many thanks, thought it was time to go nuclear, with his comments on scampton, either he will report it to the mods, but interestingly Big Al, who was a stand out supporter, now sees him for what he is. The lad who has bought the bike, offered me a 2012 YZ450F, a 4 stroke single Motocross bike as a swap, thought, out of the frying pan into the fire!!!

      Mar 21, 2023
    2. guycarr360
      Will look for a decent 500 2 stroke single MX bike in late September, i will be in the states, where the real bargains can be had, quite happy to ship it back. Keep safe, and best Wishes,
      Mar 21, 2023
  18. glennr2007
    Finally remembered my password
  19. Mark Thompson
    Mark Thompson 30854
    Hi Howard.
    I've begun to notice the absence of your always engaging and humorous comments, lately.
    I do hope that all is ok with you.
    Best wishes.
    1. The Green Howards likes this.
    2. The Green Howards
      The Green Howards
      Likewise, here's hoping all is well?
      Feb 18, 2023
      Mark Thompson likes this.
  20. Clive Robey
    Clive Robey
    Now appointed Level Crossing Manager for the WSR.